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6-7 JUN 2024


4º Congresso Nacional Sobre Disfagia

Com três edições de sucesso, o Congresso Nacional sobre Disfagia junta, anualmente, mais de 200 profissionais de saúde, para discutir e refletir sobre o estado da Disfagia em Portugal. Primando por uma abordagem multidisciplinar ao tema, o congresso conta com profissionais e investigadores das mais diversas áreas, desde a Terapia da Fala à Gastroenterologia, passando pela Cirurgia Plástica, Fisioterapia, Otorrinolaringologia, Nutrição, Neurologia, Enfermagem, Terapia Ocupacional, entre outras, numa oportunidade única de partilhar conhecimentos e experiências em dois dias de programação e atividades ligadas ao estudo da Disfagia.

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3-5 JUL 2024

Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Portugal


Over the last few years, the COMbART conference has been a forum for discussion around engaged creative and artistic practices. We understand that art, culture, as well as a set of other creative practices not included in these categories, can constitute expressive fields with a relevant role in the way citizenship is built in contemporary times.

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8-10 JUL 2024

Universidade de Aveiro & Online

IX Seminário Ibero-Americano CTS & XIII Seminário CTS

Ao tema geral associam-se cinco Linhas Temáticas, que serão o mote para a submissão de trabalhos: (1) Formação de professores para a educação CTS, (2) Natureza e História da Ciência, Currículos e Educação CTS, (3) Balanço da educação CTS para a Sustentabilidade, (4) Relação entre educação CTS e STEAM, e (5) Educação CTS para a inclusão.

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15-17 JUL 2024

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Todas as Artes | Todos os Nomes

Reunindo pesquisadores brasileiros, portugueses e de outras nacionalidades, o IV Encontro Internacional da Rede Todas as Artes | Todos os Nomes, que terá lugar na cidade do Porto, nos dias 15, 16 e 17 de junho 2024, terá como mote o papel do ser humano na ecologia e na geopolítica global, mais especificamente, o seu papel no indigitamento de um processo interseccional que cruze natureza, política e a arte. O principal intuito é o de promover diálogos e reflexões em torno da desconstrução de tradições socioeconómicas e políticas, e práticas culturais e institucionais, bem como analisar e discutir criticamente estruturas normativas patriarcais.

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20-22 JUL 2024

ESE-IPP and Online

Porto International Conference on Research in Education

Porto ICRE'24 - Porto International Conference on Research in Education 2024 – will take place in an hybrid format (in situ, in Porto and Online), between July 20 and 22, 2022. Like the previous edition (Porto ICRE’22), Porto ICRE’24 is organised by the Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (inED) of the School of Education, a structure that congregates researchers from different interrelated knowledge domains contributing for the broad and systematic study of Education.

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26-27 SEP 2024

Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto & Online

Woman XXI | 3rd International Conference on Woman

Not just another conference about women, it is a meeting of ideas, experiences, points of view, questions, debates, heated discussions and sharing of experiences, not only about women, but about the extensive and complex universe of gender. It is a place where the plurality of being a woman in the 21st century is discussed, with all of its nuances and diverse approaches that the theme requires.

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17-19 OCT 2024

Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo & Online

XVII International Seminar on Physical Education, Leisure and Health

In 2024, its 19th edition will take place at the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo in a hybrid format (in-person and online), in order to give continuity and consistency to this event, providing another opportunity to bring together researchers, teachers, students and professionals from the sector, from all continents, for reflection and debate on relevant topics in the area of Physical Education, Leisure and Health.

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5-6 DEC 2024

Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

12th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention

Registrations are now open for the 12th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention, which will take place online and in person, under the theme: "50 years of April 25th: Transitions and Transformations".

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6-8 MAR 2025

ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon

XII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science

Welcome to the XII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science,

The APCP biennial congress that will take place at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, from from March 6th to 8th, 2025, will feature in this edition 7 thematic sections: Portuguese Society and Politics, European Studies, Comparative Politics, Governance and Local Politics , Administration and Public Policy, International Relations and Political Theory.

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