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29-31 JAN 2025

Braga & Onilne

9th International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

The International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence (ICCA) is dedicated to fostering an open and inclusive conversation on childhood and adolescent issues, incorporating diverse multidisciplinary perspectives and experiences. By employing a participatory approach, ICCA encourages attendees to actively engage in discussions, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application across various fields.

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6-8 MAR 2025

ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon

XII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science

Welcome to the XII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science,

The APCP biennial congress that will take place at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, from from March 6th to 8th, 2025, will feature in this edition 7 thematic sections: Portuguese Society and Politics, European Studies, Comparative Politics, Governance and Local Politics , Administration and Public Policy, International Relations and Political Theory.

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4 & 5 APRIL 2025

Convento de São Francisco

Congresso Internacional de Radiologia de Coimbra

A II edição do Congresso Internacional de Radiologia de Coimbra - CIRC 2025 imaging scientific talks realiza-se no Convento de São Francisco, nos dias 4 e 5 de abril de 2025.

Esta edição é duplamente significante, porque tenta repetir o sucesso do ano 2023, como o maior congresso de Radiologia organizado por TSDT da ULS Coimbra, e continuará a fazer o seu caminho para a internacionalização.

Participe e colabore connosco em Coimbra, e faça parte do futuro da radiologia!

Eyes on the future!

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7-9 MAY 2025

Católica Porto Business School

18th Global Brand Conference

Católica Porto Business School is pleased to host the 18th Global Brand Conference between 7– 9 May 2025. We are a prestigious triple crown business school (EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB) in Porto, Portugal, and we are pleased to welcome you all to this conference.

For two decades, the Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand Identity and Corporate Reputation Special Interest Group has become known as one of the leading academic conferences on branding worldwide. The conference brings together top branding experts around the world to discuss and advance the state-of-play in branding research, theory, and application.

Following the success of previous editions, we welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners in branding, corporate reputation and identity to join us in the beautiful city of Porto, in May 2025.

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15 & 16 MAY 2025


12º Congresso Nacional de Medicina do Adolescente

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Adolescente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria (SPMA-SPP) desafia-vos a participarem no 12º Congresso Nacional de Medicina do Adolescente que se realizará nos dias 15 e 16 de maio de 2025.

Após uma reunião memorável do ponto de vista científico e humano que decorreu em Setúbal em abril de 2023, reunimo-nos agora em Aveiro com a temática central "Pensar o adolescente de amanhã ". É um tema ambicioso que nos projeta na discussão dos desafios das próximas gerações de adolescentes.

Do programa fazem parte conferências, mesas redondas, hot topics que abordam também diversas outras problemáticas na saúde e medicina do adolescente.

Haverá ainda a oportunidade de apreciar os trabalhos científicos desenvolvidos na área pelo que vos convidamos a submeterem os vossos resumos!

Já é uma imagem de marca dos Congressos da SPMA-SPP e como tal, esta edição não poderia deixar de contar com a participação ativa dos nossos adolescentes que concordaram em partilhar a sua visão sobre o uso das tecnologias.

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19-21 MAY 2025


III International Conference on Public Policies and Data Science

The III International Conference on Public Policies and Data Science is an initiative by the International Network on Public Policies and Data Science (RP3CD) and will take place at the University of Aveiro. Centered on the theme "Smart Territories," the event aims to explore how data science can contribute to the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policies that promote better territorial and sectoral coordination, resource management efficiency, environmental balance, social equity, and greater citizen integration in decision-making processes.

This conference seeks to:

  1. Foster debate on the social, economic, environmental, and territorial dimensions that challenge local and global contexts.
  2. Promote the exchange of experiences across various disciplines, focusing on the use of data and technology to support technically informed, participatory, transparent, and impactful decision-making processes.
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22-24 MAY 2025

ISCTE & Online

11th International Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties

The International Working Group on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages (WGNDV) is pleased to announce its 11th conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties, with the title Pluricentric Languages and Power: At the Crossroads of Legacies, to be held at the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, and online (hybrid mode) from 22 to 24 May 2025.

The event is organised by the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology at the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon (CIES-Iscte) and the Research Center for General and Applied Linguistics at the University of Coimbra (CELGA-ILTEC).

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4 JUNE 2025

Escola Superior de Saúde Santa Maria - Porto & Online

2º Conferência sobre Longevidade Positiva

A preocupação fundamental que nos motiva é podermos contribuir para “Vivermos mais, com melhor saúde e felizes”, para isso contamos com todos e a sua participação na conferência é, seguramente, uma mais-valia. Envelhecer tem de ser encarado da forma mais construtiva possível e daí a nossa abordagem na perspetiva de uma Longevidade Positiva. Como diz um cartaz que circula por aí “Não estou mais velho, estou melhor”. É isso, a experiência apura-nos, faz-nos mais sábios, mais capazes de fruir o que a vida nos dá e mais resilientes para o que perdemos, mas o fundamental é ter um propósito e acordar sempre com um objetivo a alcançar e a alegria de continuar a caminhar.

Presencialmente ou a distância, assistindo apenas ou apresentando resumo, a sua colaboração é preciosa para o sucesso da conferência.

O programa procura responder a questões não apenas teóricas, mas muito práticas, por isso a conferência é dirigida aos académicos, aos profissionais e aos estudantes. Todos são bem-vindos, todos são importantes.

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5-7 JUNE 2025


NeTLives – New Teachers’ Lives

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese Carnation Revolution, the project “FYT-ID – Fifty Years of Teaching: Factors of Change and Intergenerational Dialogues” (PTDC/CED-EDG/1039/2021) and the CIIE – Centre for Research and Intervention in Education at the University of Porto, invites the academic community, researchers, educators, teachers and education professionals to participate in the conference Teachers’ Lives Today: Challenges and Transformations (NeTLives – New Teachers’ Lives), to be held from June 5 to 7, 2025, at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.

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16-18 JUNE 2025

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal


The VI COMBART International Conference is a collaboration between different entities, including the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences of the New University of Lisbon (CICS.NOVA, NOVA FCSH and CICS.NOVA. IPLeiria); the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP); the Institute of Art History (IHA/ IN2PAST) and the Institute of Communication (ICNOVA) of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon; the Center for Transdisciplinary Research <Culture, Space and Memory” (CITCEM); and LabEA Laboratory for Research in Art Education/FBAUP. The Luso-Brazilian Network Todas as Artes (TAA) and the Luso-Brazilian Research Network in Arts and Urban Interventions (RAIU) are also partners in this event. The aim is to bring together a diverse range of knowledge, disciplines and arts, opening up proposals to researchers from areas such as sociology, anthropology, history, art history, cultural and creative industries, participatory artistic practices and artistic research, cultural economics, cultural and social geography, urban planning, cultural studies, communication sciences and related disciplines, such as illustration, music, cinema, visual arts, performance and performing arts, as well as intersections with new technologies.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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16-18 JUNE 2025

Universidade Católica Portuguesa

X International Conference on Food Proteins and Colloids

We are thrilled to announce the X International Conference on Food Proteins and Colloids (CIPCA 2025), taking place in the vibrant city of Porto, Portugal, from June 16 to 18, 2025, hosted at the prestigious Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Building on the success of previous editions, CIPCA 2025 will continue to bring together an international, multidisciplinary community of scientists, researchers, and professionals dedicated to exploring the latest innovations in food proteins and colloid science. Over the years, CIPCA has become a key forum for fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the advancement of cutting-edge research in these fields.

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8-11 JUL 2025

São Miguel – Açores & Online

XIII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

The theme of the 13th Congress, "Challenging Democracies: Risks and Uncertainties", is especially relevant in the contemporary socio-political context. Democracies around the world are facing unprecedented challenges, from the rise of populism and conservative movements and the increase in social inequalities and violence, to cyber threats and the climate crisis. The congress aims to explore these and other relevant issues through a sociological lens, bringing together researchers, academics and practitioners to discuss and debate the threats and opportunities facing contemporary democracies.

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14-18 JULY 2025

Viana do Castelo & Online

9th APA Congress


With the theme Itinerancies we propose bringing together different anthropological
streams, addressing the multiple cognitive, political and ethical challenges of studying
contemporary societies in flux, and venturing beyond the anthropocentric analytical

There are three thematic lines with suggested topics for panels. These are suggestions;
panel organizers are encouraged to use their creativity.

For each of these lines, we will feature key highlights in a different format, such as plenary
sessions, round tables, duets, quartets or others. Examples include topics like public
anthropology, the anthropology of Minho and Galicia, migrant lives, religious itinerancies,
and multi-species anthropology.

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16-18 JULY 2025

Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa

VI World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) Symposium

The symposium is co-convened with the participation of the Global Africa Comparative and International Education Society (Global Africa -CIES), the Comparative Education Section of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SEC-SPCE), the Mondial Association for Peace by Comparative Education (MAPE) and the VIII International Conference of Indian Ocean Comparative Education Society (IOCES).

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18-20 NOV 2026

Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto

XI Congresso Mundial de Infância e Juventude

Em 2026, o Porto será o palco do XI Congresso Mundial de Infância e Juventude, um espaço único de reflexão e diálogo sobre os desafios e as oportunidades enfrentados por crianças e jovens em um mundo em constante transformação. Sob o tema "Navegar na Diversidade, (Des)igualdade e Inclusão", o evento propõe uma abordagem inovadora e crítica para compreender como os desafios culturais, sociais e económicos marcam as trajetórias da infância e juventude.

Ao reunir especialistas, educadores, formuladores de políticas e jovens de todo o mundo, o congresso vai fomentar discussões inclusivas e promover estratégias que reduzam as desigualdades, celebrando assim a diversidade como uma riqueza essencial para a construção de sociedades mais justas e equitativas. O Porto, com a sua história de acolhimento e interculturalidade, oferece o cenário ideal para esta importante troca de ideias e experiências.

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