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26-27 SEP 2024

Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto & Online

Woman XXI | 3rd International Conference on Woman

Not just another conference about women, it is a meeting of ideas, experiences, points of view, questions, debates, heated discussions and sharing of experiences, not only about women, but about the extensive and complex universe of gender. It is a place where the plurality of being a woman in the 21st century is discussed, with all of its nuances and diverse approaches that the theme requires.

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17-19 OCT 2024

Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo & Online

XVII International Seminar on Physical Education, Leisure and Health

In 2024, its 19th edition will take place at the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo in a hybrid format (in-person and online), in order to give continuity and consistency to this event, providing another opportunity to bring together researchers, teachers, students and professionals from the sector, from all continents, for reflection and debate on relevant topics in the area of Physical Education, Leisure and Health.

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18 OCT 2024

Pousada Mosteiro de Guimarães

Fórum de Inovação Tecnológica e Humana

O Fórum de Inovação Tecnológica e Humana (FITH) tem como objetivo criar uma plataforma dinâmica e interativa onde empresários, gestores e outros profissionais de diversas indústrias possam contribuir com conhecimentos, explorar as últimas tendências em inovação e tecnologia, e estabelecer conexões estratégicas. Este evento visa promover a partilha das experiências com a implementação de práticas inovadoras que impulsionam a excelência operacional, a digitalização e a melhoria contínua nas organizações. Ao reunir especialistas de diferentes realidades e contextos, o FITH procura inspirar os participantes a superar desafios, adotar novas tecnologias e práticas, e contribuir para a construção de um futuro mais eficiente e competitivo.

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14-16 NOV 2024

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

XVII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências de Educação

O primeiro congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação (SPCE) decorreu em 1989, no Porto. A SPCE viria formalmente a constituir-se depois disso, em maio de 1990, completando em breve trinta e cinco anos de existência. Este aniversário cruza-se com a Revolução Democrática, que marca a esperança num país mais justo, mais livre e mais desenvolvido. A educação será uma das mais importantes e mais bem-sucedidas apostas no caminho da liberdade, de ser e conhecer, da emancipação e da justiça social. São as condições e a importância da liberdade e da democracia na educação e no progresso social que queremos agora tornar mais visíveis, conscientes e intencionais, equilibrando memória, experiência, teorização, intervenção e crítica.

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5-6 DEC 2024

Exclusively Online

VI Congress of the Portuguese Association of Forensic Sciences

We believe that this Congress is an unique opportunity to build bridges between the scientific and legal worlds, emphasising the importance of close, clear and effective communication. We hope that, at the end of this event, Forensic Specialists will be better prepared to respond to legal requirements, and that Legal Professionals will be more aware of the potential of the various Forensic Sciences. Together, we can ensure that scientific truth and legal principles work in harmony, strengthening the integrity of legal proceedings and promoting justice in our society.

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5-6 DEC 2024

Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

12th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention

Registrations are now open for the 12th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention, which will take place online and in person, under the theme: "50 years of April 25th: Transitions and Transformations".

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29-31 JAN 2025

Braga & Onilne

9th International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

The International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence (ICCA) is dedicated to fostering an open and inclusive conversation on childhood and adolescent issues, incorporating diverse multidisciplinary perspectives and experiences. By employing a participatory approach, ICCA encourages attendees to actively engage in discussions, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application across various fields.

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6-8 MAR 2025

ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon

XII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science

Welcome to the XII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science,

The APCP biennial congress that will take place at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, from from March 6th to 8th, 2025, will feature in this edition 7 thematic sections: Portuguese Society and Politics, European Studies, Comparative Politics, Governance and Local Politics , Administration and Public Policy, International Relations and Political Theory.

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7-9 MAY 2025

Católica Porto Business School

18th Global Brand Conference

Católica Porto Business School is pleased to host the 18th Global Brand Conference between 7– 9 May 2025. We are a prestigious triple crown business school (EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB) in Porto, Portugal, and we are pleased to welcome you all to this conference.

For two decades, the Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand Identity and Corporate Reputation Special Interest Group has become known as one of the leading academic conferences on branding worldwide. The conference brings together top branding experts around the world to discuss and advance the state-of-play in branding research, theory, and application.

Following the success of previous editions, we welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners in branding, corporate reputation and identity to join us in the beautiful city of Porto, in May 2025.

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8-11 JUL 2025

São Miguel – Açores & Online

XIII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

The theme of the 13th Congress, "Challenging Democracies: Risks and Uncertainties", is especially relevant in the contemporary socio-political context. Democracies around the world are facing unprecedented challenges, from the rise of populism and conservative movements and the increase in social inequalities and violence, to cyber threats and the climate crisis. The congress aims to explore these and other relevant issues through a sociological lens, bringing together researchers, academics and practitioners to discuss and debate the threats and opportunities facing contemporary democracies.

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